Sara Hollamby

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Make-up – it’s not rocket science…

Posted by Sara Hollamby on Monday, December 15, 2014,

…Yet many women in business don’t seem to bother. I hear lots of excuses – no time in the mornings… don’t need it… who’d notice whether I wear it or not… wouldn’t know where to start. These same women spend a small fortune on a good business suit because they know the power of a sharp, professional image, yet they forget their face – it doesn’t make sense. It’s your face that people look at in conversations and presenta...

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Air Con? What Air Con? How to keep cool.

Posted by Sara Hollamby on Monday, December 15, 2014,

It’s been hot the last couple of weeks in London, at last!  And last week I was in New York – well if you think it’s hot here, New York was roasting!  Usually in offices the air con does it’s job, but certainly in New York it was struggling, and what happens there often follows here!

Yes, it is hard to keep cool!  Suits and jackets certainly don’t help, so what can we do?  For guys, when they remove their jacket at least they have a smar...

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Proofreading is so underrated

Posted by Sara Hollamby on Monday, December 15, 2014,

I recently arrived in Germany for a training session an hour earlier than necessary. Why?  Because of a simple typing error! No big deal (although an extra hour in bed would have been nice) only an hour, and luckily I was early not late.

This must be happening all the time.  With results that could be far more serious than just being early.  That’s why it’s so important to proofread your emails before you press the ‘send’ button.

Check ...

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How to Dress for Presentations

Posted by Sara Hollamby on Monday, December 15, 2014,

I often get asked what you should wear for an important presentation.

US Senator Barbara Boxer is someone who manages to pull off bright colours whilst still looking smart and authoritative.
US Senator Barbara Boxer is someone who manages to pull off bright colours whilst still looking smart and authoritative.

Ask yourself, how do you want to come across to your audience? Formal or casual, authoritative or approachable?  What will your audience be wearing?  You don’t want to alienate them through being too formal, but you want to make a good impression!


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Presenting? Project the right image!

Posted by Sara Hollamby on Monday, December 15, 2014,

For men and women, your image in presentations is vital to get right, not only to make a good first impression, but also to help keep your audience focused throughout. So what should you wear?

suit_man1-e1354617471580You want to feel comfortable. Start thinking about it well in advance, to avoid last minute clothing tantrums – your clothing should be the least of your worries. You want to dress appropriately, and look authoritative, so I recommend you’re at least ...

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