Sara Hollamby


Image Matters

Woman or man, how you look matters – and much more about your appearance is within your control than you might imagine.

The clothes you wear, the way you wear them, the colours you choose. You have to face it. For women, looking good – looking professional – is part of the workplace weaponry, whether you like it or not. And for men, making the effort and being well-groomed really are, in the 21st century world of work, wholly legitimate “man-things”, whether you want to believe it or not.

Sara Hollamby

We’re talking Image Management. All our Image Management courses are run by Sara Hollamby, a true style expert and a fantastic presenter. Her combined careers as top-name fashion-industry adviser, personal style consultant and TV presenter have spanned 28 years and made her a seasoned coach and an expert and popular speaker.

Working Voices Training

Sara tailors her training to your requirements. These, though, are the formats asked for most.

First Impressions (Day-long group session; seminar and 1:1s)
It’s an uncomfortable fact that people judge whether they like what they see within seconds of meeting you. And those judgements tend to stick. Think about it. It’s what we do ourselves. This course homes in on how to create a terrific first impression – one that lasts in the right way!

Presenting Yourself (Day-long group session; seminar and 1:1s)
A practical session aimed at making sure you NEVER spoil a good presentation – from the podium or at a meeting – for want of the right personal image. You need your audience to empathise with you. Clothes, colours and body language are step one in the battle to get them seeing things your way.

Exclusive Personal Image Day (Individual coaching only: day-long session)
Sara begins by discussing with you your wardrobe, colouring, lifestyle requirements and the person you want to project. The rest of this highly enjoyable day is then devoted to sourcing the clothing you’ll need to match your new, professional image. These Personal Image Days are often requested by high-profileindividuals who are subject to public exposure including media exposure. They do, however, work for everyone.

Contact: Tina Parish: Tel: 08003892639

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