Corporate Training Consultant

Working Voices

 Effective Business Writing 

Sara uses her journalist skills to very good effect in the Working Voices Effective Business Writing Courses.

This training includes all you need to know to be a good business writer – emails, reports, instructions, meeting notes, attendance notes, position papers or appraisals: they’re all the same at heart. Why? Well firstly because all business writing is there to inform, instruct, persuade or document. Secondly, and as much to the point, because practically everything these days is either sent as an email or uses email as the vehicle. Meaning that practically everything these days is read from the screen – desktops, laptops or Blackberries.


Presentation Skills

Having been a skilled TV Presenter for over 25 years, Sara is very well qualified to teach presentation skills to anyone who wants to ensure they 'get their spoken message across successfully, every time'.

Do you have to speak at meetings or make presentations to small or larger groups? Do you worry whether your presentations are interesting and successful; whether you might be coming across as awkward and lacking in confidence? Do you find the experience miserable instead of the rewarding one it ought to be?

If you answered “Yes” to these questions and have little or no presentation skills training, then our Basic Presentation Skills training is for you.


Image Training - see Image Consultant Page

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Media Training

We'll show you how to handle the media to best advantage in any situation.

There is nothing complicated about interacting with the media. It takes preparation, technique and confidence. And the greatest of these is confidence. The confidence, quite frankly, that comes only from being taught how to do it properly by experts.



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